stone disease
Stone Disease
Nutritional habits, high consumption of animal protein and calcium, low fluid intake, and overweight increase the risk, and genetic, anatomical and environmental factors are also very effective in stone disease.

9.4 million
9.4 million stone patients
While the probability of recurrence of the stone disease within
1 year is 16%, it increases this probability to 35%
within 5 years and to 50%, within 10 years.*
*Muslumanoglu, A. Y., Binbay, M., Yuruk, E., Akman, T., Tepeler, A., Esen, T., & Tefekli, A. H. (2010). Updated epidemiologic study of urolithiasis in Turkey. I: Changing characteristics of urolithiasis.
Urological Research, 39(4), 309–314. doi:10.1007/s00240-010-0346-6

stone disease
Stone disease affects
5-10% of the
world population.

stone disease
Stone disease affects
5-10% of the
world population.

in stone disease
In stone disease
what are the symptoms seen?

Severe flank pain



Frequent urination

Blood in the urine

Painful urination
Gottlieb, M., Long, B., & Koyfman, A. (2018). The evaluation and management of urolithiasis in the ED: A review of the literature. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 36(4), 699–706. doi:10.1016/j.ajem.2018.01.003
TUTUKON NEO® is a unique product that can be used at every stage of stone disease
thanks to its special formula and multi-component.

Our products, produced in our production facility in Barcelona, Spain, offer safe and effective treatments at different stages of the disease, thanks to its multi-component technology.
The standardization of the production process starting from active active ingredient production is carefully and precisely followed and documented in accordance with the European Union Regulations with quality control and quality assurance systems.